If you are ever in Beruwela, don’t miss out on visiting this exciting fish market. Even at 6am, this place is bustling with people selling fish, birds and stray animals trying to eat scraps, shop keepers shouting their rates and the smell of fresh fish in the air. As the sun rises, the crowd gets bigger as this is a popular place to buy fish of all types.
Be it sharks, mantas or giant tuna, you can find bucket loads of them here. On the floor, in stalls, lorries, baskets, and tarps, you’ll find fish everywhere. Watch your step though, if you do step on fish you’d be hollered at because it is food after all.
Once you select your fish and buy it, you can take it to the back where there are people who will fillet and clean the fish for you. The place might sound hectic, but believe it or not, amongst all the noise, you will feel eerily calm as you watch the sun rise over this scene. The colours, smell, and types of fish you see here make for a truly unforgettable experience.
Beruwala is located just 30 minutes ( 14 Km) from Kalutara which makes it an easy day trip. You can enjoy the resplendent beach and visit the lighthouse once you’re there.
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